Suites violoncelle JS Bach / Marc Coppey

Les six suites pour violoncelle de JS Bach, interprétées par Marc Coppey. Juin 2015
Production Séquence SDP / ARTE concerts
Réalisation: Paul Ouazan
Direction artistique — montage son: Cécile Lenoir
Prise de son: Cécile Lenoir et Jean-Yves Pouyat
Mixage: Jean-Yves Pouyat
Montage: David Renaud
Image: Stéphane Aveneau

J.S. Bach: French Suites

This album contains the French Suites by J.S. Bach, presented by Piano Classics, a label of Brilliant Classics.

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“China’s premier interpreter of Bach”, is what International Piano Magazine called Yuan Sheng. A pupil of Solomon Mikowsky (Manhattan School of Music) and notably Rosalyn Tureck, Yuan Sheng extensively studied the performance practice of Baroque music. Equally at home at the harpsichord he has an instinctive feeling for the possibilities, sonorities and touch of the instrument at hand, so that “the listener might easily have imagined the composer at the keyboard” (Boston Intelligencer).

The title is misleading: the English Suites are more ‘French’ in character than the French Suites, which are more characteristic of the Italian style. ‘By design the composer is here less learned than in his other suites,’ remarked one early biographer, ‘and has mostly used a pleasing, more predominant melody.’ Just so, and the same is true of the pair of suites BWV 818 and 819 which fall outside the collection but belong with it in terms of style. To all of them Yuan Sheng brings considered tempi and precise articulation in the mould of Tureck. To Bach at his most uncomplicated, Sheng brings the virtues of simplicity and clarity.

Again Yuan Sheng draws the listener into his highly intelligent musical discourse, vibrant and moving, speaking through the medium of a modern Steinway piano.

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Artist: Yuan Sheng (piano)

Brilliant Classics:


French Suite No. 1 in D Minor, BWV 812:
0:00:00 I. Allemande
0:04:05 II. Courante
0:06:17 III. Sarabande
0:09:43 IV. Menuet I

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61 - II. Larghetto

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61 — II. Larghetto · Daniel Lozakovich · Münchner Philharmoniker · Valery Gergiev

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61

℗ 2020 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin

Released on: 2020-09-25

Producer, Studio Personnel, Editor: Johannes Müller
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Gerald Junge
Studio Personnel, Remix Engineer: Dominik Streicher
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Christoph Stickel
Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven

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2 Hours Bach Violin Concertos | Classical Baroque Music | Focus Reading Studying

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2004 ITS Philharmonic Orchestra, Louis Jullien / All Rights Reserved
Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041
00:00:00 Allegro moderato
00:03:46 Andante
00:09:26 Allegro assai

Violin Concerto in E major, BWV 1042
00:12:56 Allegro
00:20:47 Adagio
00:26:38 Allegro assai

Double Violin Concerto in D minor, BWV 1043
00:29:16 Vivace
00:32:59 Largo, ma non tanto
00:39:19 Allegro

Concerto for 3 Violins and Strings in D major, BWV 1064r
00:43:55 Adagio
00:50:30 Allegro
00:56:07 Allegro

Violin Concerto G minor, BWV 1056r
01:00:42 Allegro
01:04:23 Largo
01:06:58 Presto

Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C minor, BWV 1060r
01:10:06 Allegro
01:14:52 Adagio/ Largo
01:19:31 Allegro

Violin Concerto in D minor BWV 1052a
01:23:03 Allegro
01:31:03 Adagio
01:37:31 Allegro

Concerto for Flute, Violin, Harpsichord and Strings in A minor, BWV 1044
01:45:32 Allegro
01:53:51 Adagio ma non tanto e dolce
01:59:44 Tempo di Allabreve

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Лучшее из Баха

Иоганн Себастьян Бах (21 (31) марта 1685, Эйзенах, Саксен-Эйзенах — 28 июля 1750, Лейпциг, Саксония, Священная Римская империя) — немецкий композитор, органист-виртуоз, капельмейстер, музыкальный педагог.
За свою жизнь Бах написал более 1000 произведений. В его творчестве представлены все значимые жанры того времени, кроме оперы; он обобщил достижения музыкального искусства периода барокко. Бах — знаменитый мастер полифонии, продолжатель старинных традиций, в творчестве Баха полифония достигает расцвета.

Подписывайтесь на наш канал и слушайте больше классической музыки

Все великие композиторы и гении классической музыки на одном канале: Шопен, Моцарт, Шуберт, Мусоргский, Бах, Чайковский, Вивальди, Бетховен, Дебюсси и многие другие!

Лучшее из Баха
01. Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 Toccata
02. Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067 Badinerie (2:59)
03. Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068 Air (4:26)
04. Suite No.4 in D major, BWV 1069 Rejouissance (9:50)
05. Brandenburg Concerto No.1 in F major, BWV 1046 Adagio (12:23)
06. Brandenburg Concerto No.2 in F major, BWV 1047 Allegro Assai (17:43)
07. Brandenburg Concerto No.3 in G major, BWV 1048 Allegro (21:08)
08. Concerto in C minor for Violin and Oboe, BWV 1060 Adagio (24:39)
09. Double Concerto in D minor, BWV 1043 Largo ma non Tanto (31:15)
10. Piano Concerto No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 Largo (38:07)
11. Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041 Allegro Assai (40:59)
12. Violin Concerto No.2 in E major, BWV 1042 Adagio (44:51)
13. Sonata No.3 in C major for Solo Violin, BWV 1005 Largo (52:22)
14. Wachet auf, Cantata, BWV 140 No.1 (55:48)
15. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 (1:01:40)
16. Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 Sinfonia (1:06:26)
17. Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 Aria (1:12:27)
18. Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring, BWV 147 (1:15:48)

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1 — Щелкунчик — Вальс Цветов — 0:00
2 — Лебединое озеро — Act II: 14. Scene (Moderato) — 6:45
3 — Времена Года — Июнь — 10:07
4 — Щелкунчик — Па-де-де — 15:27
5 — Евгений Онегин — Вальс — 21:07
6 — Концерт No.1 для Фортепиано — Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso — 27:44
7 — Лебединое озеро — Неаполитанский танец — 34:20
8 — Спящая Красавица — Полонез — 36:18
9 — Щелкунчик — Danses caracteristiques. Марш — 40:24
10 — Времена года — Апрель — 42:47
11 — Лебединое озеро — Сцена — 45:21
12 — Сувенир из Флоренции — Adagio cantabile e con moto — 48:43
13 — Спящая Красавица — Вальс — 59:18
14 — Черевички — Полонез — 1:03:57
15 — Серенада для струнного оркестра — Вальс — 1:10:10
16 — Евгений Онегин — Полонез — 1:13:53
17 — Вальс-скерцо — 1:18:49
18 — Вариации на тему рококо — 1:23:06
19 — Итальянское каприччио — 1:41:56