Великие вальсы

Вальс (фр. valse) — общее название бальных, социальных и народных танцев музыкального размера 3/4, исполняется преимущественно в закрытой позиции. Наиболее распространена фигура в вальсе — полный оборот в два такта с тремя шагами в каждом.
Впервые вальс стал популярен в Вене в 80-х годах XVIII века, в последующие годы распространившись во многие страны. Вальс, особенно с закрытыми позициями, стал образцом для создания многих других бальных танцев. Позже были созданы многие разновидности вальса. В основном танцевали на балах.

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Все великие композиторы и гении классической музыки на одном канале: Шопен, Моцарт, Шуберт, Мусоргский, Бах, Чайковский, Вивальди, Бетховен, Дебюсси и многие другие!

Великие вальсы
01. Johann Strauss Jr — An der schonon blauen Donau, Op. 314
02. Johann Strauss Jr — Emperor Waltz, Op. 437 (9:30)
03. Ivanovici — Donauwellen (20:49)
04. Franz Lehar — Gold and Silver, Op. 79 (26:20)
05. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky — Waltz from Serenade for Strings in C Major, Op. 48 (35:02)
06. Emile Waldteufel — The Skaters, Op. 183 (39:01)
07. Rosas — Uber den Wellen (Sobre las olas) (46:34)
08. Johann Strauss Jr — Rosen aus dem Suden (52:51)
09. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky — Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (1:01:18)
10. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky — Waltz from The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66 (1:08:13)

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Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Dalalai · Bond


℗ 2000 Decca Music Group Limited

Released on: 2001-01-01

Associated Performer, Violin: Haylie Ecker
Associated Performer, Violin: Eos
Associated Performer, Viola: Tania Davis
Associated Performer, Cello: Gay-Yee Westerhoff
Associated Performer, Guitar, Electric Sitar: Clem Clempson
Associated Performer, Vocals: Anita Kelsey
Associated Performer, Synthesizer, Producer: Gareth Cousins
Associated Performer, Saxophone, Ewi: Phil Todd
Orchestra: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Julian Kershaw
Composer: Tonci Huljic

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Chronicles of Narnia | Winter Woods Music

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Original video: youtu.be/vz91QpgUjFc
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Paganini: Complete Violin Concertos

Tracklist below.

Online purchase or streaming (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer, Google Play): brilliant-classics.lnk.to/PaganiniViolinConcertos
More Information: www.brilliantclassics.com/articles/p/paganini-violin-concertos-complete/
Brilliant Classics Spotify: open.spotify.com/user/brilliantclassics?si=HgGb_J0xS-avoQapy7XSHQ
Brilliant Classics Facebook: www.facebook.com/brilliantclassics

Among the most revered virtuosos of all time, Nicolò Paganini was a true musical legend of his era, inspiring musicians such as Robert Schumann to forge his own career as a pianist. Franz Schubert was also a regular audience member at Paganini’s concerts, despite the outlandish ticket prices.

Paganini often remarked that, despite his legendary status as a violinist, he found it rather difficult to compose for the instrument. This release presents Paganinis complete violin concertos, performed by violinist Alexandre Dubach accompanied by the Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo.

Nicolò Paganini

Alexandre Dubach (violin)
Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo
Michel Sasson (conductor)
Lawrence Foster (conductor)

00:00:00 Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Minor: I. Allegro maestoso
00:16:44 Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Minor: II. Adagio flebile con sentimento
00:23:25 Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Minor: III. Rondo galante. Andantino gaio
00:34:10 Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 6: I. Allegro maestoso
00:54:15 Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 6: II. Adagio espressivo
00:59:28 Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 6: III. Rondo: allegro spirituoso
01:09:08 Violin Concerto No. 3 in E Major: I. Introduzione. Andantino — Allegro marziale
01:26:57 Violin Concerto No. 3 in E Major: II. Adagio. Cantabile spianato
01:34:13 Violin Concerto No. 3 in E Major: III. Polacca. Andantino vivace
01:46:22 Violin Concerto No. 6 in E Minor: I. Risoluto
02:07:04 Violin Concerto No. 6 in E Minor: II. Adagio
02:13:59 Violin Concerto No. 6 in E Minor: III. Rondo ossia polonese
02:25:27 Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Minor: I. Allegro maestoso
02:44:27 Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Minor: II. Andante un poco sostenuto
02:53:03 Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Minor: III. Rondo
03:03:37 Violin Concerto No. 2 in B Minor, Op. 7: I. Allegro maestoso
03:19:05 Violin Concerto No. 2 in B Minor, Op. 7: II. Adagio
03:26:05 Violin Concerto No. 2 in B Minor, Op. 7: III. Ronde à la clochette