Hanine the oriental violinist ft. Nour - Msadaa Halak (2018)/مصدق حالك

The idea behind both the music and the video was to capture the essence of Spain through the mellifluous tunes of the Arabic violin, traveling in time to the olden days of Andalusia, and the fusion between arabic and Spanish cultures. Sarah Baras, a flamingo dancer, sought to convey the emotions that both Spanish music and folkloric dancing stirred in her, while Hanine extended her with the oriental tunes of the arabic violin to set the tone, and concretize the notion.

Enjoy my new Music Video named Msadaa Halak Featuring Vocal Nour.
A Violin music show into an International Latin

Hanine - Salma

Salma by hanine,

Two parallels converge into a mellifluous harmony with darkness espousing light in Salma...what Hanine sought to convey through two opposites is the seemingly immiscible elements of human nature.

Light and darkness, while clearly standing at diametrically irreconcilable poles, collide and model us. Salma is a tale of paradox, of rebellion, of defiance, of energies, of mud turned into gold, and of a musical climax reflecting upon life’s odds harmoniously communing with one another…

We Found Love - Lindsey Stirling (VenTribe)

Download this song: itunes.apple.com/us/album/we-found-love-single/id778017662

Get the sheet music: www.shopbenchmark.com/lindseystirling/books/lindsey-stirling-play-along-sheet-music-book.html

Watch «Behind the Scenes» footage of this vid here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yjhHF76bAE

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I never could have done this video on my own. I had so many wonderful people help me too, I want to thank:

My friends at VenTribe.com sent me out to Kenya to film this. They are a fresh new way to shop online with friends, and they made the whole trip possible. They will feature a gift collection of African styles featuring a few of the things you would have seen in the video. Check them out at www.ventribe.com/ Check out their Facebook page too where they are giving out some awesome Kenyan Kikoys: www.facebook.com/VenTribe

These are some the people that looked after me whilst I was in Kenya:
Atua-Enkop Limited — Authentically African — Exclusive luxury tented camps.
Website: www.atua-enkop.com

Swahili Beach — Five star beach resort — Diani, Kenya

Ibis Tours and Travel — A personalized boutique travel agency specializing in travel through Africa
Website: www.ibistourskenya.com/

Kenya Pro-Kite School --Kite surfing school and overland kitesurfing multi spot surfari tour operator along the Kenyan coastline.
Website: www.kenyaprokiteschool.com

SafariLink — Kenyas premier safari airline
Website: www.flysafarilink.com/

Kapoeta --Recycling feathers into wearable art

These are some of the local musicians who helped put together some of the African sound:
Local Producer — Kevin_TheGeek
Website: zarimedia.com/studio.html

Local Vocalist — Alisha Popat

Vocals were also done by Mackenzie Madsen

Cinematography by Devin Graham
be sure to check out his channel

And then Stephen Anderson did the backtrack and final mixing. You can check out his website:

Lindsey Stirling - Carol of the Bells (Official Video)

Получите копию нового рождественского альбома Линдси «Warmer in the Winter» по следующим адресам:
Target: found.ee/LindseyTarget-s (DELUXE)
Itunes: found.ee/LindseyiTunes-s
Spotify: found.ee/LindseySpotify-s
Amazon: found.ee/LindseyAmazon-s
Pledge Music: found.ee/LindseyPledge-s
Walmart: found.ee/LindseyWalMart-s
Best Buy: found.ee/LindseyBB-s
Apple Music: found.ee/LindseyAppleMusic-s

Даты туров, билеты и VIP здесь:

Скачайте эмодзи с Линдси: bit.ly/LindseyEmoJam

Ноты здесь: lindseystirlingsheetmusic.com

https: //www.facebook.com/lindseystirl…

Подпишитесь на мою супер-крутую рассылку:

Shadows - Lindsey Stirling (Original Song)

Часто бывает что скапливается много железок и нужны деньги. И тогда вам понадобиться прием лома по ссылке !

Purchase my album Shatter Me on iTunes: smarturl.it/ShatterMe

My new album #Artemis is out now! found.ee/LS_Artemis
Come see me on the #ArtemisTour! Tickets are on sale now!
Head here for tour dates, tickets, and VIP upgrades: lindseystirling.com/

Get the Lindsey Stirling Deluxe Album:
Amazon — smarturl.it/LindseyStirlingAMZ
Newbury — smarturl.it/LindseyStirlingNBY
Best Buy — smarturl.it/LindseyStirlingBBY
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Transcendence (Orchestral)- Lindsey Stirling

This song is on the Target edition of my album.

Order my new album Shatter Me here: smarturl.it/ShatterMe
or exclusive deluxe version at Target: smarturl.it/ShatterMeTAR

Sheet music here: lindseystirlingsheetmusic.com

I want to thank FranklinCovey for helping me produce this video, and for the work they are doing with schools and teachers to help students realize the potential they have to be great and to share their gifts with the world. If you want to be inspired go to www.TheLeaderinMe.org to see how FranklinCovey is transforming education and helping students be leaders.

I was so honored to work with the Landfill Harmonic. I learned about them several years ago and I was so inspired by their story. Through pure passion, and resilience, they rose above their circumstances and created opportunities from garbage.
You can learn more about them and you can join their cause at

Directed by: Micah Merrill
Choreography by: Bonnie Story