Данная программа не является медитацией, хотя совершенно не возбраняется медитировать под эту музыку. Хорошо использовать ее в качестве фона при занятии любимым делом.
Во время прослушивания настоятельно рекомендую не испытывать никаких негативных эмоций по отношению к кому-либо или чему-либо. Наоборот, сконцентрируйтесь и ощутите приток положительной энергии, направьте его всем живым существам этой планеты.
Эту программу можно прослушивать неограниченое количество раз в течение дня. Использование наушников не обязательно, можно слушать через колонки.
Our next run of live shows will be in Europe starting in May 2020. Check our website for tickets and info — hangmusic.com/tour-dates
Enjoy a short Hang Drum duo video filmed on an autumnal morning in the beautiful town of Bath Spa, UK.
The instrument played is called a Hang. It is a hand crafted instrument made in Switzerland since the year 2000. The music is by the Hang Massive duo, Danny Cudd and Markus Offbeat.
In the time since releasing this video we have recorded and released a great range of music in a variety of styles. All can be listened to and enjoyed freely on our website audio player: hangmusic.com/music
We have CDs of all of the music available and many of our downloads can be enjoyed on a donation basis. hangmusic.com
Thank you for all of the shares and likes and comments on this video. It is an amazing in this current time how we can share our art with so many people around the world regardless of our physical location. In so many ways we become increasingly interconnected with the whole world and we have a shared experience of being human.
Sharing and liking and posting the video helps us in so many ways and supports us to continue doing what we love. Thank you to all that support our mission.
For Booking inquiries — contact@hangmusic.com
For licensing inquiries — contact@hangmusic.com
The music of Hang Massive is sourced in the teachings of Balanced View, a global grass-roots organisation for human empowerment and social change. Both Danny and Markus have been students of Balanced View and the founder, Candice O’Denver for many years. Candice is a formal lineage holder of the Nyingma Dzogchen lineage. Candice’s root teachers are H.H. Minling Trichen Rinpoche and Venerable Wangdor Rinpoche. balancedview.org
Relaxing music with soothing musical instruments, and a perfect mixture of relaxing beats. Can be used as Sleeping Music, Studying Music, Relaxing Music, Healing Music, Spa Music, Massage Music, Yoga Music, Stress Relief.
Calm, Quiet and Peaceful music thatll bring you into a Blissful state of peace and balance.
In my music I used 432 Hz which is based in nature and therefore it generates healthy effect and brings natural harmony and balance. The pure energy of 432 Hz removes mental block and opens a way to a more fulfilling life.
When life is hectic, all you need is a break and make yourself feel better by having some «breathing time» with some relaxing music.
So lean back, unwind and relax.
If you enjoyed my music I would be very happy if you will subscribe to my channel. www.youtube.com/channel/UCwU8FBrRiuNdmhq33UWfbBQ?sub_confirmation=1
Relaxing sleep music 24/7 from Soothing Relaxation. Fall asleep with ambient meditation music for stress relief and relaxation, composed by Peder B. Helland. Listen to more peaceful and relaxing music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXilp2mUtE
Instrumental Christmas music with a fireplaces crackling fire sounds 24/7. We wish you a Merry Christmas with these traditional Christmas songs, arranged by Peder B. Helland! Watch our Christmas videos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DlD7-TykIU
Исцеление звуком с помощью особых тонов — частот Древнего Сольфеджио (Ancient Solffegio), или как их еще называют «Частот Вознесения», представляет собой древний метод лечения, очень успешный по результатам.
Первый тон Сольфеджио Вознесения 174 Гц НЕОБХОДИМО СЛУШАТЬ ПЕРЕД ЛЮБОЙ ПРАКТИКОЙ СОЛЬФЕДЖИО, так как частота 174 Гц создаёт благодаря очищению от низких вибраций необходимые условия для дальнейшей активации и выравнивания энергий в Столпе чакр.
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ: Наушники для прослушивания необязательно, однако их использование усилит воздействие.