10 Things Your Dog can Know Before they Happen

Not only are dogs wonderful because they are great companions, best friends, or formidable guardians, they are also special because of their ability to predict different events.

Some of the canine senses are much more refined than ours, thats why dogs have a great sense of smell as well as an ear so sensitive that they can hear sounds that the human being does not perceive.
Since dogs are very intuitive and are always alert to what is happening around them, they are able to develop skills that make it easier for them to detect some events before they happen.

They are more sensitive to certain signals that we ignore or do not perceive.

Here are 10 things that our pets are able to know before us:

Number 1: Pregnancies
Number 2: Childbirth
Number 3: Diseases
Number 4: Fear
Number 5: Climate changes
Number 6: Epileptic and heart attack
Number 7: Death
Number 8: Earthquakes
Number 9: Human emotions
Number 10: When will you return

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